
It took me 9 years to get a bachelor’s degree.

I got into Brown University to study computer science. It was an Ivy League university and one of the best in the world. I failed in my first year because of many distractions. I was given another chance. I came back a year and a half later. I repeated my first year again and was more serious. Unfortunately, I got distracted. I failed again and had to withdraw.

Some years later, I got into the University of Buckingham to study Applied Computing. I failed in my first year and went back the following year to start over. This time around, I was able to get to my final year. I eventually graduated with a 3rd class. Even graduating was a miracle.

By the grace of God, today I’ve achieved so much. I went for Demo Africa in 2012 and was one of 5 winners out of 30 of the top technology start-ups in Africa. I successfully launched the first NASA Space Apps challenge in Nigeria. I am the Regional Partner at The African Technology Foundation based in Silicon Valley, representing ecosystems in Africa and America. More recently, I was invited as a guest lecturer at the International Space University. I currently work at Ericsson as Innovation and Business Development Expert for Africa. This year I was the Lagos partner of Geeks on a Plane where about 30 investors came in from across the world into Africa for the first time to see the technology ecosystem.

Many more things have happened since 2012 when I decided to give my life to God. I am grateful.


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